10 pager game mechanics

The characters in the game will be very athletic so I want them to have the ability to run very fast. Not very fast but still able to out run the monsters and out run the helicopter in that will inevitable try to attack them as they roam around. They will also  be able to jump very high but can still take fall damage so have to be careful where you fall from. You will have a loot system to be able to hold items like food, weapons, and rare items they find as they roam around the map. There will be a first person shooter element to weapons such as guns and bow and arrows but also to having a melee weapons that will deal a lot of damage if used to it is full capability. Headshots will be the most crucial blow you can deal with either weapons and all other parts of the body deal the same amount of damage depending on the weapon. Besides fighting you will also have the option to interact with players by pressing a button and able to either befriend them and joining a squad together or trading what they have on them using the loot system. You will not be able to trade unless both players agree to the trade.

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