lenses chapter 10

An element of game mechanics is the space that it is in. It can either be in two dimensional, three dimensional, or zero dimensional space. It can be either discrete or continuous. Objects are the nouns of your games mechanics and they can be a lot of different things that can be seen or manipulated in your game.attributes and their state are the adjectives of game mechanics. Games have attributes which factor on to what happens next. And some attributes are known from the beginning and others are hidden until it is fit for the player to know them. There could be things that are done by fate and things that only the game knows as well.Game playing is decision making based on the information you have.Next important mechanic is the action.They are the verbs of your games mechanics. This mechanic is to show what the player can do. Rules are one of the fundamentals mechanics. They define the space, the objects and the action of the game.There are a lot of different type of rules. Next mechanic is skill which is based on how players are suppose to exercise certain skills.  Most games require a blend of different skills.  Skills in game design are typically caterorized into three different categories. Physical, mental, and social skills.

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