Trading and player interactions 10 pager Gameplay experience

Trading will be very crucial in this game.  As you should already know this game is mainly about just surviving at all cost. So it is important for there to be a stable trading system.  You will have A.i players that will always be looking to trade for specific items that you might be in possession of.  You will be able to trade for almost everything except the most valuable items which will be certain gear and weapons. There will also be a black market area where no killing is allowed but you will be able to trade with other players or use the currency of the game to buy valuable supplies. With trading comes  a huge unknown of how players will react to it and use it. So the terms of how the trading can change but I still want to give players a lot of  ways of gaining supplies fast so that they can go out and roam the world more freely and with less worry of being at an disadvantage. Trading also creates unforeseen relationships which add on to the wild unpredictable world that I am trying to create.

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