10 pager story and setting

It is hard for me to picture a storyline at this point but I want the players to have some sort of control of their outcome in the game. It could either have multiple endings or different ways to get to one ending.  But the point of the game is that it doesn't end even after you find this so called ending.  You still control your player and can still roam and build even more relationships with other veteran players or even newer players just learning the game. The setting will be a remote island where it is either daytime or nighttime. The island will be very big and will have certain areas very different on each side of the island. One side will be full of trees and stones and other useful material. Then there will be another side that is either extremally cold or hot. This will play a factor if you don't have the right clothes for these areas of the map.  Both these areas will have certain materials you can only find on those side of the map to give the player more of a preference pick on where they choose to put their base down at.

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